
Pediatric Physical Therapy Services

Early Years Program

At igniteKIDS we love to work with children who are just learning to move and explore their world. Julie has extensive experience in working with children of all ages but has a passion for working with the younger kids. She has treated a spectrum of disorders that affect a child’s development and loves to be part of the solution to help families participate and understand how to help their child improve in their development. She is currently seeing the following:   

  1. Torticollis 

  2. Plagiocephaly, Brachychephaly, Dolichocephaly

  3. Orthopedic Injuries 

  4. Hypotonia 

  5. Developmental Delays 

  6. Cerebral Palsy

  7. Down Syndrome 

  8. Muscular Dystrophy 

  9. Rare Neurological Disorders

NICU Program

At igniteKIDS, we understand what occurs while your child has spent time in the NICU. Julie has spent a lot of time working with families who have had their child in the NICU for various lengths of time. As a result, she is able to properly evaluate and observe your child’s development. NICU babies have a higher rate of potential developmental delays and being observed and followed by a professional is important. Our program will provide the following: 

  • PT Evaluation

  • In depth understanding of all the medical concerns while in the NICU and now at home.

  • Outcome Measures that will track all areas of development such as gross and fine motor, communication, cognitive, social-emotional, and adaptive. 

  • Developmentally appropriate treatment plan. 

  • Observation to address any additional areas of concern that may require the help of an additional healthcare provider.  

  • One on One education on how the family can participate in their child’s care at home. 

Pediatric Pelvic
Health Program

At igniteKIDS we are here to help and guide you in a natural way to help your child with pelvic health concerns. We are here to partner with the family to help provide solutions to your pelvic health concerns. Your child may need pelvic health rehab if they struggle with any of the following:  

  • If your child struggles with constipation or encopresis (accidents/leakage) 

  • If your child has pain and strains with a bowel movement

  • If your child is not able to tell if they are having a bowel movement

  • If your child has frequent accidents and has difficulty making it to the bathroom

  • If your child has leaking while playing sports or laughing

  • If your child has bedwetting past the age of 5

  • If your child has increased bathroom use (>8 times) or less frequent use (<3 times) a day. 

Pediatric Intensive Program

At igniteKIDS, we understand that you may be looking for a different approach for your child's developmental needs. Our Intensive Program is 1-4 weeks in length where we meet with your child daily to advance your child's development. Intensives are designed for families who want or need to: 

1. Work on specific developmental skills such as rolling, sitting, crawling, and walking. 

2. Have plateaued on their developmental progress and are wanting more than 1 day a week to work on their child's milestones. 

3. They want to obtain faster results in a shorter period of time. 

4. They have limited resources in the area they live in to receive physical therapy. 

To learn more about our intensive program, we offer a free consultation to discuss your specific needs. 

Telehealth Program 

At igniteKIDS we understand that finding time can be difficult, that you may not live close to our treatment areas, or you may have other family members sick in the home and do not want to cancel your child’s visit, or for check ins to see how your child is doing. This gives us the option to offer you a telehealth visit to meet your families concerns. We can offer telehealth for the following: 

  • PT evaluations

  • Treatment Follow Up Sessions

  • Periodic Check Ins to observe your child’s development 

  • Family meetings not requiring an in person assessment